Nehemias Sanchez Cortes Arrested after Three-Vehicle Collision on Highway 145 [Madera, CA]

Two Injured, One 31-Year-Old DUI Driver Arrested Following Three-Car Accident near Pecan Avenue

MADERA, CA (January 6, 2023) – On Friday, December 30th, police arrested Nehemias Sanchez Cortes following a DUI three-car crash.

Police responded on Highway 145, just south of Pecan Avenue, and found that three vehicles had collided in the roadway.

Furthermore, officers transported two injured people to the hospital for further treatment.

In addition, the vehicle, that 31-year-old Cortes was operating, was overturned in the crash.

31-year-old Nehemias Sanchez Cortes was later arrested after the crash. Officials reported that he was three times over the legal limit of alcohol during the incident.

The presence of alcohol or other substances in the body can impair thinking, reasoning, and muscle coordination which are essential in operating a vehicle safely. So, never drive while under the influence. The consequences can be devastating for you and for others. By being responsible, you can keep yourself and others on the road safe.

If you have been injured in a DUI crash, please contact Sweet James today. It is their goal to provide your loved one with the highest quality of legal representation. Their firm is dedicated to helping your family obtain both justice and maximum settlement. Their personal injury attorneys will fight by your side and get what you deserve. Call them for your free consultation at (800) 975-3435. For more accident news, click here.

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